Thursday, January 7, 2016

Holiday, Celebrate!

After having my daughter Piper this past October, the holidays came fast and furious.  Celebrating with a new baby was fun, but anxiety producing. Halloween was a nice holiday to start with since there is no prep involved. Piper wore a black cat onesie and took pictures by a pumpkin, that was all mom and dad could handle. Piper was only about three weeks old so even bringing her around other people was a mental hurdle I had to get over. I love pediatricians but they really scare the crap out of you at the beginning about not bringing your little one out of the house at all. So, here is our lovely Halloween photo.
Our Black Cat

Thanksgiving was more fun since my daughter was older and I was almost at the magical six weeks mark. Honestly, Thanksgiving gave me something else to focus on besides my sixth week checkup that I googled about incessantly.   Thanksgiving also falls around, if not on, my anniversary, so this month we also had our first date night out. It was the strangest feeling, like you have misplaced something but then keep remembering, “No she is safe and being taken care of.” Up until that point we had been doing date nights in. Usually it involved a theme because I love a theme. I think it comes from all my years of teaching preschool. Anyway I will share a few of my favorite date night ideas in a later post. So all in all the month of November was fun and I felt like I was getting the hang of this mom thing.
Christmas Tree Farm

December was by far the fastest moving month.  By this time Piper had learned to smile, laugh, and babble, along with rolling onto her side.  To keep the cost of Christmas down my husband and I exchanged stockings. Each year we have a monetary limit and a theme. This is a cute website that gives a lot of good ideas about new family traditions, including the themed Christmas stockings.

 I hope your holidays were fun and that you’re off to a great new year!

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